Dataset Suggestions

Worth 1 Bonus Point

In the D2L platform, a Google Sheets document has been shared for this task. Please note that the document will not be shared on the website, in accordance with FERPA guidelines.

1. Dataset Suggestion [ Graded out of 3 ]

Your objective is to discover three datasets that are not widely known or extensively covered online. Locate your name in the first column and proceed as follows: in the second column, provide the name of the dataset, and in the third column, share the corresponding link. The additional condition is that, you need to select a dataset that has NOT already been listed by someone else in the document.

2. Recommendation for Final Project [ Not graded ]

In the fourth column, suggest the name of one dataset from the sheet ( it could be from anywhere in the sheet, not restricted to your suggestions) that you may want to be considered for your final project. Remember, this suggestion does not signify a commitment but rather serves as your personal recommendation.

Explore various sources and discover intriguing datasets. This is an excellent opportunity to dive into unexplored data and expand your knowledge of available datasets.

No formal submission on D2L is needed for the project. The grader will check the common sheet.