1. Data Cleaning

import pandas as pd
a. Missing Data
b. Noisy Data

a. Missing Data

nfl_df = pd.read_csv("data/nfl/NFL Play by Play 2009-2018 (v5).csv")
/var/folders/r0/bggl6hf15j708chpxqrx5tp00000gn/T/ipykernel_6195/401957088.py:1: DtypeWarning: Columns (42,166,167,168,169,174,175,178,179,182,183,188,189,190,191,194,195,203,204,205,218,219,220,231,232,233,238,240,241,249) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  nfl_df = pd.read_csv("data/nfl/NFL Play by Play 2009-2018 (v5).csv")
play_id game_id home_team away_team posteam posteam_type defteam side_of_field yardline_100 game_date ... penalty_player_id penalty_player_name penalty_yards replay_or_challenge replay_or_challenge_result penalty_type defensive_two_point_attempt defensive_two_point_conv defensive_extra_point_attempt defensive_extra_point_conv
137741 4045 2012091612 MIA OAK OAK away MIA OAK 70.0 2012-09-16 ... NaN NaN NaN 0 NaN NaN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1 rows × 255 columns

nfl_df.info(verbose=True, show_counts=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 449371 entries, 0 to 449370
Data columns (total 255 columns):
 #    Column                                Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---   ------                                --------------   -----  
 0    play_id                               449371 non-null  int64  
 1    game_id                               449371 non-null  int64  
 2    home_team                             449371 non-null  object 
 3    away_team                             449371 non-null  object 
 4    posteam                               436129 non-null  object 
 5    posteam_type                          436492 non-null  object 
 6    defteam                               436492 non-null  object 
 7    side_of_field                         448771 non-null  object 
 8    yardline_100                          436301 non-null  float64
 9    game_date                             449371 non-null  object 
 10   quarter_seconds_remaining             449230 non-null  float64
 11   half_seconds_remaining                449206 non-null  float64
 12   game_seconds_remaining                449208 non-null  float64
 13   game_half                             449371 non-null  object 
 14   quarter_end                           449371 non-null  int64  
 15   drive                                 449371 non-null  int64  
 16   sp                                    449371 non-null  int64  
 17   qtr                                   449371 non-null  int64  
 18   down                                  381409 non-null  float64
 19   goal_to_go                            436664 non-null  float64
 20   time                                  449230 non-null  object 
 21   yrdln                                 448771 non-null  object 
 22   ydstogo                               449371 non-null  int64  
 23   ydsnet                                449371 non-null  int64  
 24   desc                                  449369 non-null  object 
 25   play_type                             436497 non-null  object 
 26   yards_gained                          449158 non-null  float64
 27   shotgun                               449371 non-null  int64  
 28   no_huddle                             449371 non-null  int64  
 29   qb_dropback                           436497 non-null  float64
 30   qb_kneel                              449371 non-null  int64  
 31   qb_spike                              449371 non-null  int64  
 32   qb_scramble                           449371 non-null  int64  
 33   pass_length                           174715 non-null  object 
 34   pass_location                         174715 non-null  object 
 35   air_yards                             175719 non-null  float64
 36   yards_after_catch                     108907 non-null  float64
 37   run_location                          131307 non-null  object 
 38   run_gap                               94921 non-null   object 
 39   field_goal_result                     9813 non-null    object 
 40   kick_distance                         50740 non-null   float64
 41   extra_point_result                    11150 non-null   object 
 42   two_point_conv_result                 696 non-null     object 
 43   home_timeouts_remaining               449371 non-null  int64  
 44   away_timeouts_remaining               449371 non-null  int64  
 45   timeout                               436497 non-null  float64
 46   timeout_team                          18656 non-null   object 
 47   td_team                               12833 non-null   object 
 48   posteam_timeouts_remaining            436492 non-null  float64
 49   defteam_timeouts_remaining            436492 non-null  float64
 50   total_home_score                      449371 non-null  int64  
 51   total_away_score                      449371 non-null  int64  
 52   posteam_score                         433952 non-null  float64
 53   defteam_score                         433952 non-null  float64
 54   score_differential                    433952 non-null  float64
 55   posteam_score_post                    436492 non-null  float64
 56   defteam_score_post                    436492 non-null  float64
 57   score_differential_post               436492 non-null  float64
 58   no_score_prob                         448693 non-null  float64
 59   opp_fg_prob                           448693 non-null  float64
 60   opp_safety_prob                       448693 non-null  float64
 61   opp_td_prob                           448693 non-null  float64
 62   fg_prob                               448693 non-null  float64
 63   safety_prob                           448693 non-null  float64
 64   td_prob                               448693 non-null  float64
 65   extra_point_prob                      449371 non-null  float64
 66   two_point_conversion_prob             449371 non-null  float64
 67   ep                                    435812 non-null  float64
 68   epa                                   433535 non-null  float64
 69   total_home_epa                        449371 non-null  float64
 70   total_away_epa                        449371 non-null  float64
 71   total_home_rush_epa                   449371 non-null  float64
 72   total_away_rush_epa                   449371 non-null  float64
 73   total_home_pass_epa                   449371 non-null  float64
 74   total_away_pass_epa                   449371 non-null  float64
 75   air_epa                               174082 non-null  float64
 76   yac_epa                               173699 non-null  float64
 77   comp_air_epa                          436299 non-null  float64
 78   comp_yac_epa                          436111 non-null  float64
 79   total_home_comp_air_epa               449371 non-null  float64
 80   total_away_comp_air_epa               449371 non-null  float64
 81   total_home_comp_yac_epa               449371 non-null  float64
 82   total_away_comp_yac_epa               449371 non-null  float64
 83   total_home_raw_air_epa                449371 non-null  float64
 84   total_away_raw_air_epa                449371 non-null  float64
 85   total_home_raw_yac_epa                449371 non-null  float64
 86   total_away_raw_yac_epa                449371 non-null  float64
 87   wp                                    433313 non-null  float64
 88   def_wp                                433313 non-null  float64
 89   home_wp                               435388 non-null  float64
 90   away_wp                               435388 non-null  float64
 91   wpa                                   444050 non-null  float64
 92   home_wp_post                          433334 non-null  float64
 93   away_wp_post                          433334 non-null  float64
 94   total_home_rush_wpa                   449371 non-null  float64
 95   total_away_rush_wpa                   449371 non-null  float64
 96   total_home_pass_wpa                   449371 non-null  float64
 97   total_away_pass_wpa                   449371 non-null  float64
 98   air_wpa                               173940 non-null  float64
 99   yac_wpa                               173724 non-null  float64
 100  comp_air_wpa                          436156 non-null  float64
 101  comp_yac_wpa                          436064 non-null  float64
 102  total_home_comp_air_wpa               449371 non-null  float64
 103  total_away_comp_air_wpa               449371 non-null  float64
 104  total_home_comp_yac_wpa               449371 non-null  float64
 105  total_away_comp_yac_wpa               449371 non-null  float64
 106  total_home_raw_air_wpa                449371 non-null  float64
 107  total_away_raw_air_wpa                449371 non-null  float64
 108  total_home_raw_yac_wpa                449371 non-null  float64
 109  total_away_raw_yac_wpa                449371 non-null  float64
 110  punt_blocked                          436497 non-null  float64
 111  first_down_rush                       436497 non-null  float64
 112  first_down_pass                       436497 non-null  float64
 113  first_down_penalty                    436497 non-null  float64
 114  third_down_converted                  436497 non-null  float64
 115  third_down_failed                     436497 non-null  float64
 116  fourth_down_converted                 436497 non-null  float64
 117  fourth_down_failed                    436497 non-null  float64
 118  incomplete_pass                       436497 non-null  float64
 119  interception                          436497 non-null  float64
 120  punt_inside_twenty                    436497 non-null  float64
 121  punt_in_endzone                       436497 non-null  float64
 122  punt_out_of_bounds                    436497 non-null  float64
 123  punt_downed                           436497 non-null  float64
 124  punt_fair_catch                       436497 non-null  float64
 125  kickoff_inside_twenty                 436497 non-null  float64
 126  kickoff_in_endzone                    436497 non-null  float64
 127  kickoff_out_of_bounds                 436497 non-null  float64
 128  kickoff_downed                        436497 non-null  float64
 129  kickoff_fair_catch                    436497 non-null  float64
 130  fumble_forced                         436497 non-null  float64
 131  fumble_not_forced                     436497 non-null  float64
 132  fumble_out_of_bounds                  436497 non-null  float64
 133  solo_tackle                           436497 non-null  float64
 134  safety                                436497 non-null  float64
 135  penalty                               436497 non-null  float64
 136  tackled_for_loss                      436497 non-null  float64
 137  fumble_lost                           436497 non-null  float64
 138  own_kickoff_recovery                  436497 non-null  float64
 139  own_kickoff_recovery_td               436497 non-null  float64
 140  qb_hit                                436497 non-null  float64
 141  rush_attempt                          436497 non-null  float64
 142  pass_attempt                          436497 non-null  float64
 143  sack                                  436497 non-null  float64
 144  touchdown                             436497 non-null  float64
 145  pass_touchdown                        436497 non-null  float64
 146  rush_touchdown                        436497 non-null  float64
 147  return_touchdown                      436497 non-null  float64
 148  extra_point_attempt                   436497 non-null  float64
 149  two_point_attempt                     436497 non-null  float64
 150  field_goal_attempt                    436497 non-null  float64
 151  kickoff_attempt                       436497 non-null  float64
 152  punt_attempt                          436497 non-null  float64
 153  fumble                                436497 non-null  float64
 154  complete_pass                         436497 non-null  float64
 155  assist_tackle                         436497 non-null  float64
 156  lateral_reception                     436497 non-null  float64
 157  lateral_rush                          436497 non-null  float64
 158  lateral_return                        436497 non-null  float64
 159  lateral_recovery                      436497 non-null  float64
 160  passer_player_id                      188267 non-null  object 
 161  passer_player_name                    188267 non-null  object 
 162  receiver_player_id                    173716 non-null  object 
 163  receiver_player_name                  173703 non-null  object 
 164  rusher_player_id                      136448 non-null  object 
 165  rusher_player_name                    136447 non-null  object 
 166  lateral_receiver_player_id            94 non-null      object 
 167  lateral_receiver_player_name          94 non-null      object 
 168  lateral_rusher_player_id              17 non-null      object 
 169  lateral_rusher_player_name            17 non-null      object 
 170  lateral_sack_player_id                0 non-null       float64
 171  lateral_sack_player_name              0 non-null       float64
 172  interception_player_id                4630 non-null    object 
 173  interception_player_name              4630 non-null    object 
 174  lateral_interception_player_id        23 non-null      object 
 175  lateral_interception_player_name      23 non-null      object 
 176  punt_returner_player_id               16724 non-null   object 
 177  punt_returner_player_name             16719 non-null   object 
 178  lateral_punt_returner_player_id       23 non-null      object 
 179  lateral_punt_returner_player_name     23 non-null      object 
 180  kickoff_returner_player_name          13441 non-null   object 
 181  kickoff_returner_player_id            13442 non-null   object 
 182  lateral_kickoff_returner_player_id    38 non-null      object 
 183  lateral_kickoff_returner_player_name  38 non-null      object 
 184  punter_player_id                      23883 non-null   object 
 185  punter_player_name                    23713 non-null   object 
 186  kicker_player_name                    46702 non-null   object 
 187  kicker_player_id                      46726 non-null   object 
 188  own_kickoff_recovery_player_id        94 non-null      object 
 189  own_kickoff_recovery_player_name      94 non-null      object 
 190  blocked_player_id                     419 non-null     object 
 191  blocked_player_name                   409 non-null     object 
 192  tackle_for_loss_1_player_id           23623 non-null   object 
 193  tackle_for_loss_1_player_name         23623 non-null   object 
 194  tackle_for_loss_2_player_id           8 non-null       object 
 195  tackle_for_loss_2_player_name         8 non-null       object 
 196  qb_hit_1_player_id                    24213 non-null   object 
 197  qb_hit_1_player_name                  24208 non-null   object 
 198  qb_hit_2_player_id                    976 non-null     object 
 199  qb_hit_2_player_name                  976 non-null     object 
 200  forced_fumble_player_1_team           4403 non-null    object 
 201  forced_fumble_player_1_player_id      4403 non-null    object 
 202  forced_fumble_player_1_player_name    4403 non-null    object 
 203  forced_fumble_player_2_team           33 non-null      object 
 204  forced_fumble_player_2_player_id      33 non-null      object 
 205  forced_fumble_player_2_player_name    32 non-null      object 
 206  solo_tackle_1_team                    209699 non-null  object 
 207  solo_tackle_2_team                    2834 non-null    object 
 208  solo_tackle_1_player_id               209699 non-null  object 
 209  solo_tackle_2_player_id               2834 non-null    object 
 210  solo_tackle_1_player_name             209696 non-null  object 
 211  solo_tackle_2_player_name             2833 non-null    object 
 212  assist_tackle_1_player_id             54419 non-null   object 
 213  assist_tackle_1_player_name           54416 non-null   object 
 214  assist_tackle_1_team                  54419 non-null   object 
 215  assist_tackle_2_player_id             54416 non-null   object 
 216  assist_tackle_2_player_name           54416 non-null   object 
 217  assist_tackle_2_team                  54416 non-null   object 
 218  assist_tackle_3_player_id             3 non-null       object 
 219  assist_tackle_3_player_name           3 non-null       object 
 220  assist_tackle_3_team                  3 non-null       object 
 221  assist_tackle_4_player_id             0 non-null       float64
 222  assist_tackle_4_player_name           0 non-null       float64
 223  assist_tackle_4_team                  0 non-null       float64
 224  pass_defense_1_player_id              22738 non-null   object 
 225  pass_defense_1_player_name            22738 non-null   object 
 226  pass_defense_2_player_id              729 non-null     object 
 227  pass_defense_2_player_name            729 non-null     object 
 228  fumbled_1_team                        6555 non-null    object 
 229  fumbled_1_player_id                   6555 non-null    object 
 230  fumbled_1_player_name                 6554 non-null    object 
 231  fumbled_2_player_id                   38 non-null      object 
 232  fumbled_2_player_name                 38 non-null      object 
 233  fumbled_2_team                        38 non-null      object 
 234  fumble_recovery_1_team                6032 non-null    object 
 235  fumble_recovery_1_yards               6026 non-null    float64
 236  fumble_recovery_1_player_id           6032 non-null    object 
 237  fumble_recovery_1_player_name         6027 non-null    object 
 238  fumble_recovery_2_team                47 non-null      object 
 239  fumble_recovery_2_yards               47 non-null      float64
 240  fumble_recovery_2_player_id           47 non-null      object 
 241  fumble_recovery_2_player_name         46 non-null      object 
 242  return_team                           30605 non-null   object 
 243  return_yards                          449350 non-null  float64
 244  penalty_team                          32636 non-null   object 
 245  penalty_player_id                     32636 non-null   object 
 246  penalty_player_name                   31207 non-null   object 
 247  penalty_yards                         32618 non-null   float64
 248  replay_or_challenge                   449371 non-null  int64  
 249  replay_or_challenge_result            812 non-null     object 
 250  penalty_type                          31139 non-null   object 
 251  defensive_two_point_attempt           436497 non-null  float64
 252  defensive_two_point_conv              436497 non-null  float64
 253  defensive_extra_point_attempt         436497 non-null  float64
 254  defensive_extra_point_conv            436497 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(135), int64(18), object(102)
memory usage: 874.2+ MB
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None):
play_id                                    0
game_id                                    0
home_team                                  0
away_team                                  0
posteam                                13242
posteam_type                           12879
defteam                                12879
side_of_field                            600
yardline_100                           13070
game_date                                  0
quarter_seconds_remaining                141
half_seconds_remaining                   165
game_seconds_remaining                   163
game_half                                  0
quarter_end                                0
drive                                      0
sp                                         0
qtr                                        0
down                                   67962
goal_to_go                             12707
time                                     141
yrdln                                    600
ydstogo                                    0
ydsnet                                     0
desc                                       2
play_type                              12874
yards_gained                             213
shotgun                                    0
no_huddle                                  0
qb_dropback                            12874
qb_kneel                                   0
qb_spike                                   0
qb_scramble                                0
pass_length                           274656
pass_location                         274656
air_yards                             273652
yards_after_catch                     340464
run_location                          318064
run_gap                               354450
field_goal_result                     439558
kick_distance                         398631
extra_point_result                    438221
two_point_conv_result                 448675
home_timeouts_remaining                    0
away_timeouts_remaining                    0
timeout                                12874
timeout_team                          430715
td_team                               436538
posteam_timeouts_remaining             12879
defteam_timeouts_remaining             12879
total_home_score                           0
total_away_score                           0
posteam_score                          15419
defteam_score                          15419
score_differential                     15419
posteam_score_post                     12879
defteam_score_post                     12879
score_differential_post                12879
no_score_prob                            678
opp_fg_prob                              678
opp_safety_prob                          678
opp_td_prob                              678
fg_prob                                  678
safety_prob                              678
td_prob                                  678
extra_point_prob                           0
two_point_conversion_prob                  0
ep                                     13559
epa                                    15836
total_home_epa                             0
total_away_epa                             0
total_home_rush_epa                        0
total_away_rush_epa                        0
total_home_pass_epa                        0
total_away_pass_epa                        0
air_epa                               275289
yac_epa                               275672
comp_air_epa                           13072
comp_yac_epa                           13260
total_home_comp_air_epa                    0
total_away_comp_air_epa                    0
total_home_comp_yac_epa                    0
total_away_comp_yac_epa                    0
total_home_raw_air_epa                     0
total_away_raw_air_epa                     0
total_home_raw_yac_epa                     0
total_away_raw_yac_epa                     0
wp                                     16058
def_wp                                 16058
home_wp                                13983
away_wp                                13983
wpa                                     5321
home_wp_post                           16037
away_wp_post                           16037
total_home_rush_wpa                        0
total_away_rush_wpa                        0
total_home_pass_wpa                        0
total_away_pass_wpa                        0
air_wpa                               275431
yac_wpa                               275647
comp_air_wpa                           13215
comp_yac_wpa                           13307
total_home_comp_air_wpa                    0
total_away_comp_air_wpa                    0
total_home_comp_yac_wpa                    0
total_away_comp_yac_wpa                    0
total_home_raw_air_wpa                     0
total_away_raw_air_wpa                     0
total_home_raw_yac_wpa                     0
total_away_raw_yac_wpa                     0
punt_blocked                           12874
first_down_rush                        12874
first_down_pass                        12874
first_down_penalty                     12874
third_down_converted                   12874
third_down_failed                      12874
fourth_down_converted                  12874
fourth_down_failed                     12874
incomplete_pass                        12874
interception                           12874
punt_inside_twenty                     12874
punt_in_endzone                        12874
punt_out_of_bounds                     12874
punt_downed                            12874
punt_fair_catch                        12874
kickoff_inside_twenty                  12874
kickoff_in_endzone                     12874
kickoff_out_of_bounds                  12874
kickoff_downed                         12874
kickoff_fair_catch                     12874
fumble_forced                          12874
fumble_not_forced                      12874
fumble_out_of_bounds                   12874
solo_tackle                            12874
safety                                 12874
penalty                                12874
tackled_for_loss                       12874
fumble_lost                            12874
own_kickoff_recovery                   12874
own_kickoff_recovery_td                12874
qb_hit                                 12874
rush_attempt                           12874
pass_attempt                           12874
sack                                   12874
touchdown                              12874
pass_touchdown                         12874
rush_touchdown                         12874
return_touchdown                       12874
extra_point_attempt                    12874
two_point_attempt                      12874
field_goal_attempt                     12874
kickoff_attempt                        12874
punt_attempt                           12874
fumble                                 12874
complete_pass                          12874
assist_tackle                          12874
lateral_reception                      12874
lateral_rush                           12874
lateral_return                         12874
lateral_recovery                       12874
passer_player_id                      261104
passer_player_name                    261104
receiver_player_id                    275655
receiver_player_name                  275668
rusher_player_id                      312923
rusher_player_name                    312924
lateral_receiver_player_id            449277
lateral_receiver_player_name          449277
lateral_rusher_player_id              449354
lateral_rusher_player_name            449354
lateral_sack_player_id                449371
lateral_sack_player_name              449371
interception_player_id                444741
interception_player_name              444741
lateral_interception_player_id        449348
lateral_interception_player_name      449348
punt_returner_player_id               432647
punt_returner_player_name             432652
lateral_punt_returner_player_id       449348
lateral_punt_returner_player_name     449348
kickoff_returner_player_name          435930
kickoff_returner_player_id            435929
lateral_kickoff_returner_player_id    449333
lateral_kickoff_returner_player_name  449333
punter_player_id                      425488
punter_player_name                    425658
kicker_player_name                    402669
kicker_player_id                      402645
own_kickoff_recovery_player_id        449277
own_kickoff_recovery_player_name      449277
blocked_player_id                     448952
blocked_player_name                   448962
tackle_for_loss_1_player_id           425748
tackle_for_loss_1_player_name         425748
tackle_for_loss_2_player_id           449363
tackle_for_loss_2_player_name         449363
qb_hit_1_player_id                    425158
qb_hit_1_player_name                  425163
qb_hit_2_player_id                    448395
qb_hit_2_player_name                  448395
forced_fumble_player_1_team           444968
forced_fumble_player_1_player_id      444968
forced_fumble_player_1_player_name    444968
forced_fumble_player_2_team           449338
forced_fumble_player_2_player_id      449338
forced_fumble_player_2_player_name    449339
solo_tackle_1_team                    239672
solo_tackle_2_team                    446537
solo_tackle_1_player_id               239672
solo_tackle_2_player_id               446537
solo_tackle_1_player_name             239675
solo_tackle_2_player_name             446538
assist_tackle_1_player_id             394952
assist_tackle_1_player_name           394955
assist_tackle_1_team                  394952
assist_tackle_2_player_id             394955
assist_tackle_2_player_name           394955
assist_tackle_2_team                  394955
assist_tackle_3_player_id             449368
assist_tackle_3_player_name           449368
assist_tackle_3_team                  449368
assist_tackle_4_player_id             449371
assist_tackle_4_player_name           449371
assist_tackle_4_team                  449371
pass_defense_1_player_id              426633
pass_defense_1_player_name            426633
pass_defense_2_player_id              448642
pass_defense_2_player_name            448642
fumbled_1_team                        442816
fumbled_1_player_id                   442816
fumbled_1_player_name                 442817
fumbled_2_player_id                   449333
fumbled_2_player_name                 449333
fumbled_2_team                        449333
fumble_recovery_1_team                443339
fumble_recovery_1_yards               443345
fumble_recovery_1_player_id           443339
fumble_recovery_1_player_name         443344
fumble_recovery_2_team                449324
fumble_recovery_2_yards               449324
fumble_recovery_2_player_id           449324
fumble_recovery_2_player_name         449325
return_team                           418766
return_yards                              21
penalty_team                          416735
penalty_player_id                     416735
penalty_player_name                   418164
penalty_yards                         416753
replay_or_challenge                        0
replay_or_challenge_result            448559
penalty_type                          418232
defensive_two_point_attempt            12874
defensive_two_point_conv               12874
defensive_extra_point_attempt          12874
defensive_extra_point_conv             12874
  1. Is this value missing becuase it wasn’t recorded or because it doesn’t exist?
  2. Is your data MAR (Missing At Random)?

Ignoring the data point

play_id game_id home_team away_team posteam posteam_type defteam side_of_field yardline_100 game_date ... penalty_player_id penalty_player_name penalty_yards replay_or_challenge replay_or_challenge_result penalty_type defensive_two_point_attempt defensive_two_point_conv defensive_extra_point_attempt defensive_extra_point_conv

0 rows × 255 columns

Filling in missing values automatically

Constant,back and forward fill



Mean, Median, Most Frequent, Constant

  • Simple Imputer - https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.impute.SimpleImputer.html
  • IterativeImputer : Imputer that estimates values to impute for each feature with missing values from all the others.
  • KNNImputer : Imputer that estimates missing features using nearest samples.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imp_mean = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')
imp_mean.fit([[7, 2, 3], [4, np.nan, 6], [10, 5, 9]])
X = [[np.nan, 2, 3], [4, np.nan, 6], [10, np.nan, 9]]
[[ 7.   2.   3. ]
 [ 4.   3.5  6. ]
 [10.   3.5  9. ]]